Successful External Review Application by Contractor – QBCC Direction to Rectify set aside by QCAT
In the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Tribunal) decision of JPD Concreting Specialists Pty Ltd v Queensland v Building […]
Christmas Shutdown 2020
The Christmas and New Year’s holiday is fast approaching. Unfortunately, if contractual deadlines that fall on or around this[…]
New QBCC Fines & Filling Licensing Gaps Mark the Most Recent Changes to Building Laws in QLD
The Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2020 assented to on 23 July 2020[…]
Building Contract Requirements for Commercial Contracts and Subcontracts (Part 4A of the QBCC Act)
While many parties in construction projects are well aware of the importance of a written contract, it is surprising[…]
Builder wins QCAT review of QBCC Direction to Rectify issued out of time: Oracle Building Corporation Pty Ltd v Queensland Building and Construction Commission [2020] QCAT 69
Directions to rectify (DTRs) issued by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) can have significant impacts on contractors,[…]
What must a contract contain to comply with the QBCC Act?
Given the fact that construction projects are governed by the contract existing between the parties, it is surprising the[…]