Our Director, Aleisha MacKenzie, recently shared in a webinar 5 tips for the preparation of adjudication applications and responses under the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (BIF Act). These tips are drawn from Aleisha’s experience as a construction lawyer and an adjudicator, having decided over 50 adjudication decisions. TIP #1 – Know your contract […]
In light of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the Australian Government has proposed the Coronavirus Economic Response Package Omnibus Bill 2020 (Bill). The Bill aims to assist Australians cope with the pandemic’s widespread impact by providing for a range of measures to lessen the economic and financial burden caused by the virus. These amendments include a temporary extension[…]
A subcontractors’ charge (Charge) given under the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payments) Act 2017 (BIF Act) provides a way for subcontractors to secure payment of amounts owed to them under a contract by someone who is higher in the contractual chain. A Charge can also attach to security held under such a contract. For example, if[…]