Commercial building contracts (especially those for large projects and developments) can be hundreds of pages long and filled with what feels like endless legal jargon. Reviewing contracts of this nature is, consequently, often quite a daunting task. So how can you make the task of reviewing your commercial building contract slightly less overwhelming? In our experience, knowing […]
The Christmas and New Year’s holiday is fast approaching. Unfortunately, if contractual deadlines that fall on or around this time are missed, it can result in a significant financial burden. Below we explain how construction industry legislation in Queensland deals with the Christmas and New Year’s holiday shutdown period (Christmas Shutdown Period) and we offer some simple[…]
On 16 October 2014 the Queensland Government approved the Queensland Building and Construction Commission and Other Legislation Bill 2014 (Bill). The Bill will repeal the Domestic Building Contracts Act 2000 (Qld) (DBC Act) and replace it with new provisions in the Queensland Building and Construction Commission Act 1994 (Qld) (QBCC Act) that will regulate the contractual requirements[…]