
Builder in Liquidation?

The importance of terminating your construction contract when your builder becomes insolvent or enters into liquidation It’s no secret that the construction industry has been experiencing unprecedented disruption caused by labour shortages and supply chain issues over the last few years. As the flow-on effects of such disruption continue to ripple through the industry, we are now […]



Important Update: Further delays to the rollout of project trust requirements

If you’re involved in the construction industry, you’ve no doubt heard about the new project trust account (PTA) requirements introduced by the Queensland Government which have been the topic of much debate over the last few years. The debate largely centres around the functionality of the PTA requirements, particularly in light of the absence of any software[…]



“Business days” vs “calendar days” – How they affect payment terms

Recent Court of Appeal Decision highlights the importance of careful contract drafting and ensuring consistency, or at least an understanding, of the difference between the statutory and contractual definitions of “business days”, “calendar days” and “days” The main purpose of the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld) (BIF Act) pursuant to section 3(1) is[…]